Procrastination Nation
“I should write a blog post about that”…
I say that AT LEAST 17 times a day, probably more.
So why has it been almost 3 years since the last time I shared one?
Fear? Maybe.
Self-doubt? Probably.
As a matter of fact, there is undoubtedly a whole bunch of reasons that have held me back,
but one in particular is the truest cause of all.
Honestly… I almost exited out and told myself I’d come back and finish this right after I typed that last word,
but I decided to continue on in an attempt to defeat the power of that word in my own BATTLE with PROCRASTINATION.
Okay, I fibbed a little… I did it again.
I took a break. I stepped away from typing this blog and I…
…I did something else.
*The first time I started this post it was April 27, 2022.
*I then came back to it on December 7, 2022 and told myself—
“this is it, I’m going to finish this and start blogging consistently again”…
*Now here I am… on June 15, 2023…
still writing this post.
This time I’m finally going to finish it for real because I have a plan—
It’s time to confront procrastination for what it is!
Oh wait..
Now it’s January 27, 2025.
Wow, time really does fly when you’re putting things off..
So what can I do to break this cycle?
I suppose I could hit the “publish” button and share it with the world and let people see that the only difference between getting something done versus procrastinating for the rest of my life is as simple as:
no longer over thinking everything.
allowing myself to risk imperfection, because life isn’t perfect, but sure is short.
KNOWING that I can learn from my mistakes if I try now, but if I wait forever, I may never get the chance to try.
I wanted to compose the “perfect” blog post about Procrastination to help myself & you.
To remind us all how to push through the fear, the doubt, the delay…
So here it is, my perfectly imperfect reminder to you, and me:
Do not wait too long to live the life you want to live.
Trust in yourself, and your ability to learn & grow from your mistakes.
Find a balance between not taking life too seriously, while seriously living your life authentically & with meaning.
Well, there it is, I did it.
A blog post about procrastination.
(Stops typing, Clicks “Publish”)