The Art of Manifestation

When you hear the word “Manifestation” what comes to mind?

  • Dreams?

  • Goals?

  • Intentions?

  • Purpose?

  • Consciousness?

If you answered “Yes” to any of the above then you are off to a great start.

By definition, Manifestation is the physical embodiment of a thought, idea, intention, goal, or purpose.

A common misconception about manifestation is that it is a part of the New Age, “WooWoo”, or “VooDoo” practices.

Manifestation has nothing to do with spiritual or religious beliefs or practices, it simply roots back to the basics of Humanity and our connections to nature, instinct, and intuition along with our belief in ourselves.

We all manifest in our lives daily, wouldn’t it be better if we did it with intention and purpose?

Step One: Identify your TRUTH, acknowledge your WHY, and become crystal clear on what you WANT.

Step Two: Set your intentions. Vision boarding helps. Journaling helps. The only true tool that you need however, is your mind. Decide what you want and set your mind to it.

Step Three: BELIEVE, BELIEVE, BELIEVE!!! In order to receive the outcome you are hoping for you must believe that it is possible. You must believe that you are worthy. You must believe that what you want is already yours.

Step Four: TAKE ACTION. Though our thoughts & words are important when we are intentionally manifesting, actions will always speak louder than words. If you want something, you must take the steps it requires to obtain it.

Step Five: Show gratitude to each step of the journey. Even when you don’t realize it your manifestations are unfolding in front of you, sometimes it is in ways so simple that you do not recognize your success. To acknowledge & be grateful for even the “little” bits of success in your journey leads to an abundant flow of much “bigger” success.

Manifestation does not mean you can snap your fingers and have what you want on demand.

Picture life like a video game. You have to complete each level before you can level up. In the video game of life, each level cannot be completed until you can show gratitude for the level at which you currently are playing.

Life is a journey and that’s really what it is all about. Learning, growing, & continuing to move forward.

Personal growth can strengthen your ability to intentionally manifest.

Along with gratitude— reverence, compassion, & contributing to your community can help you determine your purpose which will ultimately impact your growth and can help you find yourself in the position to believe you are worthy and deserving of whatever it is you would like to bring forward in your life.

It is so easy for people to say “I can’t” when usually what they mean is “I am afraid to try”.

Life isn’t always easy. Obstacles will always arise. That is all part of the journey.

You are not a victim of circumstance and when you own your choices, thoughts, feelings, and emotions you will find it much more simple to tap in to an abundant and empowering mindset versus a victim or scarcity mindset.

This doesn’t mean it is not okay to feel. By all means, please ALWAYS allow yourself to honor your emotions and feelings. Just do not allow yourself to sit there for too long as no level in the game of life can be completed if you do not allow yourself to heal and move forward from the negative situations in your life. Without healing, it is hard to show gratitude for the lessons you have learned from these obstacles and this can stunt your intentional manifestation and cause you to unintentionally and unconsciously continue to attract more of those painful, fearful, angry, and sad thoughts, feelings, and ideas that over time manifest into “real life” scenarios.

When you live and speak your truth, what you say and do WILL manifest.

It may not be easy but it truly is simple. Set your mind to it, stop waiting for “the right moment”, make some moves, and claim the life the that you believe is only possible in your dreams because you have the power to manifest all of your dreams into a reality— all you have to do is believe in yourself.

©2022 Wicked Smaht Wellness LLC.


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