Sponsors, Collaborators, Affiliations… Oh My!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed…
It is the only thing that ever has."
— Margaret Mead
Team up with WSW in the smahtest way for YOU!
Do you believe in our mission? Would you like to support us as we embark on a journey to change lives? Sponsor WSW and receive membership perks on top of your own customized sponsor plan!
Do you offer a product, service, or knowledge that can help others mentally, physically, or spiritually? Let’s host an event, TOGETHER! Putting our skill sets together as one opens the door to many new & exciting opportunities!
Do you already have an affiliate program? Are you interested in having your business promoted all over social media? Let’s work together so that we can both grow! We will influence your business in return for support towards ours!