Animals & Reiki Energy

Humans and Animals hold many similarities, the number one similarity being that we are all living creatures.

Over time, humans have studied many species of animals learning that they mirror lots of traits including but not limited to the fact that we all eat, sleep, and have some form of communication with our own species.

Knowing all of that, we cannot ignore the fact that animals must also feel and experience life in ways that may be unique to them, but also much more similar to us than we realize.

There have been countless examples proving this to us through studies that have revealed:

  • Rats attempting to save each other from drowning

  • Elephants showing clear signs of mourning after experiencing loss

  • Dogs comforting humans who may have experienced trauma or require special support for a disability

With all that being said, it is safe to say the animals deserve the same love, support, and care that we as humans deserve.

You’ve heard of keeping certain animals as pets or livestock, and lots of times animals in those positions do receive some TLC from the humans who care for them whether it be through feeding, grooming, or simply loving them…

There are also wild animal sanctuaries, non-profits, and some ways to support those who live in the wild with fundraising, awareness, and preservation…

But DID YOU KNOW that just like us, Animals can also benefit from having their energetic needs tended to?

If you’re reading this post on my website, there’s a good chance you already know what Reiki Energy Healing is, but incase you do not, I will share a blurb I have written from a past post to sum it up along with a link to read the full article if you’d like to go a little more in depth with this…

“Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing that can be used to aid and treat many different ailments — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Reiki Energy Healing is based on the idea that we all have an unseen life force energy flowing through our bodies as we, just like everything else around us, are surrounded by and made up of energy.

A Reiki practitioner uses their hands on or just above the client’s body to promote healing by moving, directing, and transferring a healthy universal flow of energy.

The word “Reiki” comes from Japanese words “rei”, meaning universal, and “ki”, meaning life energy.”…

(The Power Of Reiki Energy Healing, By: Amanda Marie— Click here to learn more about Reiki Energy Healing in General)

Reiki can be administered with animals of all kinds through distance or hands on techniques depending on the scenario.

If you’re looking to ease the stress or discomfort of every day life that can energetically linger on our fur babies and wild friends just the same as it does on us, consider incorporating Reiki Energy Healing in the life of your pet, because all living creatures deserve it.

As humans, we typically think of healing as a progression toward good health, but Reiki Energy healing for animals doesn't always present itself that way, though it is definitely an aid for physical, mental, & energetic health.

Sometimes the results of Animal Reiki appear as simple as an animal visibly relaxing for a few minutes after spending a noticeable amount of time prior being tense, anxious, or unable to settle in their environment.

I have worked with horses, dogs, and cats who have all responded differently— some gaining energy that they visibly didn’t have, others settling down and finding stillness, most appearing to relax and release tension, all experiencing a form of energetic healing that best fit their individual needs.

Just like with humans, a Reiki practitioner uses their intuition and training to find the energetic blocks & imbalances that are hindering an animals wellness and can help aid their healing by clearing and moving the energy with Reiki.

This energetic practice can be performed from a distance, so if a practitioner is feeling called to assist an animal from the wild, they do not need to approach them (nor should they) and can aid their healing from afar by honoring their needs and respecting their space.

Next time you notice that your pet is feeling down, their spirit seems low, OR IF YOU JUST WANT TO TREAT THEM WITH SOME ENERGETIC WELLNESS & LOVE…consider exploring the benefits and power of Reiki Energy Healing!

…and while you’re at it, consider how Reiki may impact YOUR life as well!

This article was written by Amanda Marie—

Intuitive, Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Master Teacher

*Certified Level 1 & 2 practitioner by the school of Inner Light Boston

*Certified Reiki Master/ Master Teacher by the school of Nicole Henley Spiritual Alchemy

©2025 Wicked Smaht Wellness LLC.


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