Wicked Smaht Wellness

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The Great Awakening

You may have heard some people talking about “The Great Awakening”

The Winter Solstice

Or the rare chance to see a Christmas Star

Let’s start by talking a little bit about what all of this means.

Tonight will be the longest night of the year as we officially enter the Winter Season combined with a very special

Cosmic Shift.

As we crossover into the Age of Aquarius, for the first time in almost 800 years, Jupiter and Saturn (the two biggest worlds in our solar system) will meet and form The 2020 Grand Conjunction.

This shift will release POSITIVE energies setting the stage for Transformation, Growth, Alignment…

Just like conception happens in the darkness, energy shifts are not most noticeable when they first take place. But a seed has been planted that will germinate into something beautiful if we nurture it.

- Katherine Mantius Bennett, Lead Artist at Manifest Handmade

It is important to be mindful of how we react to this shift.

Listen to your body and do what feels best for you. Here are a few methods that I personally practice and incorporate into my routine that you may choose to use as a baseline for your own:

  1. Intention Setting- Focus on what it is you wish to bring forward as we enter the New Year.

  2. Practice Self Care- Do whatever makes you feel good. Take a bath, practice yoga, read a book etc.

  3. Express Creativity- Let it all out. Doodle, Paint, Dance, whatever feels right to you!

  4. Journal- Write letters to yourself or others, focus on gratitude, list positive affirmations…

  5. Stay Hydrated- An energy shift like this can be draining so drink lots & lots of water!

  6. Practice Mindfulness- Focus on your breathing and think with intention behind each thought.

  7. Rest!!!

Remember, each of us as an individual has the power to control our own lives, and that is all we have control over.

In the (candle)light of darkness, write down what you wish to see bloom in your life over the next year. Speak it out loud into existence. And so it is. What a beautiful display of the gentle dance between the gracious light and the ever-unfolding darkness of life. It's all happening for you. 🖤

- Jordan Taylor, Life Coach at Jordan Taylor Wellness

All of us are on our own journeys taking different paths through life.

We cannot control what obstacles cross our path.

We cannot control how others act.

We can control how we react to each new lesson that comes our way.

By being mindful of how we treat our Mind, Body, & Spirit during this great energetic experience we are already one step closer toward intentionally bringing forward Peace, Balance, and Happiness in our lives.

Astrological readings for each Rising/Ascendant sign for

The Great Conjunction:

Do not buy into the fear of this change, instead steep yourself in the joy of progress.

REMEMBER: It will take time for these energies to unfold!

♈️ARIES : This Energy is happening in your 11th house of hopes and dreams. For you this has to do with a dream that you have for work that you thought was unattainable. Now is your chance to manifest that dream.

♉️ TAURUS : This is a huge life altering opportunity to propel your work to the next level. The work that you do is going to really be noticed and translate very much into fantastic new career that will bring you more power and responsibility.

♊️ GEMINI: This energy is happening in your 9th house of the higher mind and is going to have you embark upon a new course of learning and expansion of knowledge. This is you seeing the world differently. An awakening.

♋️ CANCER: This energy is happening in your 8th house of psychological transformation, death and rebirth. This rebirth has to do with your mental health. You will begin to understand yourself better and essentially shine a light on the part of your psyche that you may have run away from.

♌️ LEO : This energy is happening in your 7th house of partnerships and marriage. Some of you may find yourselves making a large commitment or even getting married by the end of 2021. For some, this will be a focus on partnerships in your life and how it is a reflection of self.

♍️ VIRGO : This energy is happening in your 6th house of day to day work . It’s time to take your work to the next level. You will be called to perfect your skills more than ever. This will bring a lot more responsibility than you have now but it will be worth it because it will pay off tremendously by the end of 2021.

♎️ LIBRA : This energy is happening in your 5th house of romance and children. Your focus shifts tremendously to your romantic life. You very well may meet a romantic partner by the end of this year. Some of you may also be bringing a child into the world by the beginning of 2021.

♏️ SCORPIO : This is happening in you 4th house of home and family. You will create the home and private life of your dreams. This will require a lot of hard work and discipline. Depending upon the natal chart, you are either selling a home or purchasing one.

♐️ SAGITTARIUS : This energy is happening in your 3rd house of learning and communication. For you, this is an opportunity to broaden your knowledge. This is you learning a new tangible practical skill that will attribute to a new identity.

♑️ CAPRICORN : This energy is in your 2nd house of money, values, income and self-esteem. You are entering a time of great opportunities especially the majority of 2021. You will be offered the means and the cosmic timing alignment to set yourself up for success financially for the long term.

♒️ AQUARIUS : I need you to pay attention. This energy is in your 1st house and this is the theme of identity. This is about where you belong, where you fit in this world. This is a process of essentially rebirth. Your identity is being altered, your learning is being expanded, it looks like the identity that you are forging for yourself in the next 2 1/2 years has a lot to do with your development spiritually. You will start to find yout TRUE tribe.

♓️ PISCES : This is happening in your 12 th house of spirituality. You are entering a chapter in your life of tremendous study focused on elevating your spiritual growth. You may feel like you need to isolate yourself from the world at times. Take the chance to do so this energy is a divinity placement for you.

- Angela Marie, Astrologer & Life Guide at Star Sister

Although each of us are on our own path and can only control ourselves, our collective positivity and support for one another as we embark on our personal journeys will always bring light to times that may feel like never ending darkness.

It has been a difficult year for all and now it is time for us to feel the positive shift as we use this great energy from this rare experience to Heal, Grow, and Transform.

Love, Good Vibes, and Happy Solstice! <3

My sources all came from some wonderful women that I have connected with through Spiritual Women of New England.

Here is how to find each of them directly:

- Katherine Mantius Bennett, Lead Artist at Manifest Handmade

- Jordan Taylor, Life Coach at Jordan Taylor Wellness

- Angela Marie, Astrologer & Life Guide at Star Sister