Wicked Smaht Wellness

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Time to Boost your MyFi Signal

My family had an ongoing joke recently:

“She said ‘WiFi’ again, that’s another dollar!”

Honestly, I had not stopped complaining about the WiFi.

We live in a virtual world at the moment. Everything in my life revolves around this WiFi

My business, my education, my doctors appointments— all of my connections to the outside world.

All controlled by the one thing that never seems to want to work when you need it to…

Wireless Fidelity.

Here’s the thing— I don’t know about you but over the past few months I’ve been spending so much time focusing on my Wireless Fidelity and not enough time focusing on my Self Fidelity.

Imagine if we took the time that we spent worrying about things that we have little control over and utilized it to put care into the most important thing in our lives— Ourselves.

I’ve recently realized that I would complain about the minor inconveniences caused for me when THINGS are “not working properly” but I wasn’t spending enough time concerned about the the minor inconveniences I would cause when I’M “not working properly” (aka when I’m not recognizing that I’m in a place where I need extra help or extra care or just struggling in general).

Let me explain what I mean:

I believe in everything I stand for and promote. When I say:

-Mind over Matter…I mean it.

-Take care of Yourself…I mean it.

-We have the power to take full control of our lives…I mean it.

But one thing I do NOT mean when I try to spread these Good Vibes— I NEVER mean that we’re supposed to feel good all of the time or that its not okay to have moments where we just can’t seem to get it together

Those kind of moments are always going to sneak their way in and that is OKAY!

There will always be times where it just doesn’t feel like things will get better.

We will always face some obstacles that will feel impossible.

It’s OKAY not to feel OKAY. But it’s only healthy to allow yourself to live this way for so long.

This is why it is important to check in with our “MyFi”

—our level of Self Fidelity.

When a machine is being over worked without getting a break, it’s only a matter of time before it will stop working all together. This goes for the WiFi connection and this goes for people as well.

So next time your WiFi disconnects, or another minor inconvenience strikes, take that as a beautiful sign from the universe and give it a few moments before you try to reconnect it. Use these moments to check in on your MyFi and acknowledge the level of self care that you’re practicing. If you’re lacking in this area, use those few minutes where you felt inconvenienced or disconnected from your virtual life to do something for YOU. Instead of stressing it, accept the gift from the Universe because you now have the time to give yourself (even if it is only for a few moments).

For me?

It’s a great time to brush my hair.

You see, when I allow my mind to spiral out of control because I am not nourishing it the way it needs or deserves, I tend to take it out on my hair. Basically what I’m saying— and I’m going to be totally open with you right now, I’m going to put this into words that are not always comfortable to use because it’s time we break that stigma— when my anxiety and depression become too overwhelming and I do not accept the help that I need, it can get ugly.

To keep this short I’ll sum it up for you:

I lost a lot of hair over the course of the pandemic. I actually had to cut some out. A few times

You see, what was happening was that as I became overwhelmed with life’s mysterious circumstances,

as I tried to balance being a Good Mom and being a Successful Business Owner in the midst of a pandemic, I would continue to only make time for these two things:

  1. Momming

  2. Working

Let me tell you what the problem with that is…..

You can’t be your best anything if you’re not taking care of yourself first.

So I made time to get my business calls in and I made sure to spend time with and care for my son…

but when I woke up in the morning I’d take a quick shower, I wouldn’t focus on my skin care, and I’d be in such a rush that I would just throw my hair in a bun without even thinking twice.

The last time I had to cut a giant knotted bunch of hair from my head, I finally realized that it had to be the last time that I would allow that to happen no matter what I do or what it takes.

And if you’re thinking— “well cutting it out sounds a bit extreme”, lemme just tell ya, I wish it was, but that’s how little I cared about myself.

Now I am NOT saying that I will never have low moments or struggle again, but I will continue to handle them differently from now on as I intend to check in with myself more and allow myself to accept help when necessary.

So here I am, looking back at that as a memory, proud to announce that every time my WiFi disconnects now, instead of freaking out about it…

I will take a moment to disconnect as well so that I can reconnect with myself and check in with what I need.

I encourage you to give it a try. It can be anything:

Maybe you’d like to take a few moments to meditate or stretch.

Maybe you’d like to have a snack or a sip of water.

Maybe you’d like to express yourself creatively

The options are endless but the point of all of this is:

Next time something inconvenient happens to mess with your day, instead of letting it ruin your day…

take it as a sign and an opportunity to check in with your MyFi.

Once you focus more on your Self Fidelity, You will be able to appreciate each moment of your life on another level. Focus less on Connecting your electronics, & more on Connecting with Yourself.